Website help for Co-Chairs
If you do not have access to the Dashboard, please email your Webmaster, and request access. If you are not sure if you have access, login to the Hubbard PTO website. On the upper right hand side of your screen you should see a link that says DASHBOARD. If you do not see this link and you are logged in you do not have access.
This webpage is design to help you through all of the items that you will need to do as a co-chair. It really is all pretty simple. Lets get started!!!!
HOW DO I FIND OUT how to plan my event?
First there are some general guidelines outline that apply to most events. There is also a page that will direct you to event information that specifically applies to your event. In addition, there is a page with quick links to forms you will need such as Cash Reimbursement and Janitorial Requests. Lastly, there is a page that outlines how to navigate the website to help you plan your event.
Please note: While there is specific event planning information for many events, we unfortunately do no have information for all events. In order to continue to run these events smoothly from year to year, we ask that you please try to update the documents as you go and make changes as necessary. We also ask that you complete the Event Summary Form at the end of each event. Even just a few tips on what went well and what could be improved is extremely helpful in the planning process.
Finding Online Event Planning Documents
From the Home page of the Hubbard PTO Website there are 4 pages dedicated to planning events. Go to Volunteer > Volunteer Resources
- Forms & General Letter Templates - Currently there are several helpful online forms here, such as Cash Reimbursement Forms, Janitorial Forms, as well as some general documents that may be useful with your event planning.
- Co-Chair General Event Planning Guidelines - Here you will find general guidelines that apply to every event.
- Co-Chair Event Specific Planning Information - Here you will find any event specific information to plan your events, along with forms like the Tax Exempt form.
- Website help for Co-Chairs - This provides step by step instructions for Chairs on how to navigate the website.
How do I find out who is on my committee and email them?
Sending an email to your committee is as easy as a few clicks. However, please note to send an email from the Hubbard PTO website all of the emails go out separately, this means they will receive an individual email. If you want to be able to collaborate with your committee the best thing to do would be to obtain emails from the website, but send from your personal email. Please see below for instructions on how to do both.
Sending your initial email to your committee through the Hubbard PTO Website
Log in to the Hubbard PTO Website.
Click on Dashboard link in upper right hand corner.
On the main page you should see the Hubbard PTO Volunteer Interests form. If you do not, click on the Signups tab then choose Forms.
Click on the Title of the Volunteer Interests Form, this will show you the entire Volunteer Interest form.
Find the Committee you are chairing, for most you should see 2 categories, Co-Chair, Volunteers.
To view your Co-Chairs - click on the number to the right of the Co-chair.
To view your Volunteers, click on the number to the right of Volunteer.
To email your volunteers, as stated above, once you have clicked on the number to the right of Volunteer you will see three buttons on the top of the screen. Back to form, download as excel and email. Click on the email button.
In the dropdown, then select all volunteers.
Then click on compose email confirmations.
Then just complete the Subject and Body of the email. You may also want to send a copy to the other Co-Chairs, unfortunately their emails will not automatically be added. Please also note that when you send an email from the Hubbard PTO website, they are all sent as separate emails so they will not be able to reply to all.
Once your email is ready to go hit Send Email. If for some reason you want to send the email at a later date, you can just fill in the field Send Later at.
How do I easily get the email addresses of my committee so I can send from my own email?
If you would like to have a collaborative email, at step six above, click on download as excel, or you can copy and paste the list into excel. From here you will be able to just copy all of the emails and send directly from your email.
How do I send an email to the volunteers who have signed up for specific slots for an event?
First, please note that as part of your volunteer form, which is covered below, you can set up a confirmation email and tickler emails that can automatically go directly to your committee. Tickler emails are emails that you can set to go out before, after or during an event. These can be used for event reminders or for thank yous.
That said, if you still have a need to email your committee, you will do the following:
- Go to Dashboard
- Find the volunteer form you are looking for. If you do not see the form, dont worry it is there. Go to Volunteers > Forms and look for your event.
If you are emailing all volunteers for your event,
- On the right hand side you will see 'Unique Volunteers' click on the number in that column.
- Then click 'email'
- Then select 'all volunteers'
- Click on 'compose email confirmations'
- Compose your email as desired
- Click on 'Send Email' *
If you are emailing volunteers for a specific time slot,
- Under Volunteer Form Title, click on the name of your volunteer form.
- Find the slot that you would like to email about.
- Under 'Assign' click on the number
- Then click 'email'
- Then select 'all volunteers'
- Click on 'compose email confirmations'
- Compose your email as desired
- Click on 'Send Email' *
* Please note: You can also choose to 'Send Later at' which allows you to set a specific date and time you would like the email to go out. If you need to cancel the scheduled email: go to Dashboard > Scheduled E-Mail (at top), click on the number, select the emails that you would like to cancel and click on 'Cancel selected messages'.
Sending Confirmation, reminder and thank you emails
To send confirmation a confirmation email, be sure to set up the settings on the Confirmation Email tab on your Volunteer Form. Please see above.
To send Reminder and Thank you emails, go to the Tickler Email tab on your volunteer form and set up accordingly for each email. Please see above.
Please note: You must make sure that the Start Date/Time and the End Date/Time are completed with the appropriate date. This means you need to go into the form and double check. The Ticklers are generated based on this date, not the displayed as field and if this is not properly completed, the ticklers will not go out. You also need to double check and make sure the ticklers are in Active mode.
Print or view the volunteer form
In order to view or print who is volunteering and/or what was donated by whom, complete the following.
- Go to Dashboard
- Click on the Volunteer Form that applies to your event, your event should be on the home page. Please note: If you do not see your Volunteer Form. Go to Dashboard > Volunteers > Forms
- Click on the name of your event.
- Click on the 'download detail' button.
- The information will then be in an excel spreadsheet. You can edit, sort, delete information as needed.
find the tax exempt form
The Tax Exempt form is used to provide to providers showing that we do not need to pay tax on items purchased for PTO events. To find the form go to the home page of the Hubbard PTO website > Volunteer > Volunteer Resources > Co-Chair Specific Event Planning Information or you can just click here.